EHS appreciates the contributions made to date of money and items of historic value. Thanks to --

Keith Chase-Ziolek
Antique refrigerator from the 5200 block of Wayne, with thanks to Martha and John Kraeger for temporarily storing it.
Dick Clucas
Copies of photos of the Granville Radio Shop and the Granville Fruit Market, and a photo of his grandfather and father on Granville Avenue
Mark Harding
Edgewater souvenir mugs from the Breakers and the Edgewater Pharmacy
Sheli Lulkin
Brochure from the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce
Betty Morita
Brochure and photos of the Edgewater Beach Hotel
Mack and Sarah Overton
Newsletters of the Lakewood Balmoral Residents Council
Clarence Standell
Memorabilia, photos, newspapers from the estate of Henry & Florence Johnson
Elisabeth Wilcox-Szegho
Various things for exhibits and fundraising Silent Auctions.

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