Betty Jaci 271-4708

Some of the most recent activity in Edgewater is noted in the President's letter. Another person is needed to co-chair this Committee along with Betty Jaci. The work of this group involves keeping in touch with what is going on in construction/demo-lition in Edgewater, and working on research for walking tours and our annual home tour. If you want to help, but can't chair, please call anyway. There aren't a lot of deadlines and any help is appreciated.

In the last newsletter it was reported that EHS had initiated an effort to rename Senn as Kransz Park, after the family who owned Seven Mile House, Edgewater's first residence. More accurately, EHS is seeking to have the area around the new Lincoln statue named Kransz Garden. Park District personnel have indicated that they never rename parks, but might be willing to designate a section of Senn Park with the Kransz name over the homestead site. But that action is far from au fait accompli.

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